Obama’s Pastor, Jeremiah Wright Hates Italians, Too!

Political Night Train has learned that Barack Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright’s hatred also extends to Italians.  Get a load of this quote being sent around the internet by the Clinton campaign:

Wright is quoted as saying, “From the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth (in a barn in a township that was under the Apartheid Roman government that said his daddy had to be in), up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ death on a cross, a Roman cross, public lynching Italian style.

“… The government runs everything from the White House to the schoolhouse, from the Capitol to the Klan, white supremacy is clearly in charge,” wrote Wright.   And again Wright wrote in Trumpet magazine.   Refering to Jesus’ crucifixion as ‘a public lynching Italian style’ executed in ‘Apartheid Rome.’

Barack Obama’s Problems: Racism & Corruption

Barack Obama will continue to have two distinct and separate problems throughout the remainder of the primary, and if nominated, throughout the general election.  Those are racism and corruption.  Just as Bill Clinton had to deal with numerous “bimbo eruptions”, Obama will have to deal with weekly, if not daily racism and corruption eruptions.  While the media gave Bill Clinton a free pass, and the Right was not organized to fully exploit  Bill’s weaknesses, all that changed with John Kerry.  Swift-boating is already coming from the Hillary camp, and will increase dramatically if Obama is nominated.  Obama had a chance to be the first “post-race” black candidate.  His original campaign was run from the perspective that Obama was running as merely another Democrat, not as a black candidate, like Jessie Jackson.  If Obama had been able to continue to run as a “non-racial” candidate he would have been the true transitional candidate Democrats, Republicans and Independents hoped for.  But along the way, the Clinton’s, following their “win at any cost” strategy, screwed it all up for everyone.  Bill Clinton injected race as an issue, by saying there goes Barack Obama, another black candidate, winning SC, just like Jessie Jackson did.  Obama tried, but was unable to resist the bait.  Then, as if on cue from the Clinton’s, along comes Jeremiah Wright, a true race baiter and bigot.  Obama couldn’t resist the temptation.  He had to address the “race” issue head on.  In making his “race” speech, Obama did what no Clinton could do.  He acknowledged that he is in fact a “race” candidate.  This shows extreme poor judgment and character.  So, given what we now know about Barack Obama, here is a preview of what is likely to happen to Obama between now and November.


Pastor-gate:  Jeremiah Wright won’t go away.  Until Hillary drops out, the Clintons will continue to raise issues about Wright on a weekly basis.  Don’t be surprised if a video shows up of Wright preaching one of his anti-American sermons, and there’s Obama, Michelle and the children, right in the front.  Once Hillary is gone, then the swift-boaters from the Right take over.  There’ll be more and more information about Wright’s rants.  It won’t stop until November.


Black Liberation Theology:  There will continue to be questions about values, beliefs, and judgment.  How will Obama’s even tacit approval of black liberation theology taint his campaign.  Hillary will use it as a wedge issue to pull the Democratic bubba’s and rednecks over to her side.  This is probably the most serious issue Obama faces and the one that most deeply questions his judgment and core values.  How can Americans knowingly vote for someone who embraces a value and belief system that paints the white man as the devil incarnate?


Spiritual Advisor eruptions:  James Meeks has been one of Barack Obama’s primary spiritual advisors, second only to Jeremiah Wright.  Meeks will come under increasing scrutiny and there will be a lot of racially tainted statements linked to him.  Obama will have to explain away Meeks, just as he is doing with Wright.  Meeks anti-gay rants won’t go over very well with the gay and lesbian alliance that has good standing with the Democratic liberal left.  Here’s a sample:


A spring 2007 newsletter from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) named Meeks one of the “10 leading black religious voices in the anti-gay movement”. The newsletter cites him as both “a key member of Chicago’s ‘Gatekeepers’ network, an interracial group of evangelical ministers who strive to erase the division between church and state” and “a stalwart anti-gay activist… [who]… has used his House of Hope mega-church to launch petition drives for the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), a major state-level ‘family values’ pressure group that lauded him last year for leading African Americans in ‘clearly understanding the threat of gay marriage.'”


Probable Corruption Eruptions:  Tony Rezko; Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland law firm; Blagojevich; John Stroger; Todd Stroger; Donna Dunnings; Susan Sher; Alexi Giannoulias.  Just to name a few Obama supporters that are tainted with charges of corruption.  Here’s a sampling:


Obama’s ties to the corrupt Daley machine began when he was dating his wife Michelle and she brought him into the fold. Valerie Jarrett, the deputy chief of staff to Mayor Daley, hired Michelle as her assistant in 1991. Daley made Jarrett the chairman of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development and Michelle worked as her assistant in that Department during 1992-93.


When it came time for Obama’s US Senate campaign, Valerie Jarrett became the campaign finance chairman and worked hand and hand with fellow finance committee members, Rita and Tony Rezko, and his former boss at the law firm, Allison Davis, in fundraising endeavors.


Jarrett is now the CEO of Habitat Co, a real estate development and management firm which manages the housing program for the Chicago Housing Authority, the entity mandated to administer public housing, and she serves as an unpaid advisor to Obama’s Presidential campaign.