ABC Quizzes Obama On Values and Beliefs

It appears ABC has been reading Political Night Train, and they finally get it!  When it comes to Presidential candidates, Values and Beliefs do matter.  As do Character and Competence.  Political Night Train has been posting for months now that the core values and beliefs of the candidates are indeed important.  Barack Obama would have us believe that his values and beliefs should have little bearing, that if we want to be part of something historical, we should all vote for him, the Black candidate.  Somehow this will heal all those old racial feelings between whites and blacks.


PHILADELPHIABarack Obama got the first real glimpse here Tuesday night of what he will face if he becomes the Democratic presidential nominee. Between now and November, the most important question he will be forced to answer is: Who is Barack Obama?

That was the subtext of the relentless questioning he faced at the National Constitution Center here on Tuesday. For the first half of the debate, ABC’s Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos threw one question after another at Obama that all shared the same underlying themes: what are your values and what do you believe?


Obama was questioned over and over,  for nearly 45 minutes regarding such issues as his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, his obvious lack of a flag lapel pin to show his patriotism, his readiness to be Commander-In-Chief, his relationship with Weather Underground radicals.  Then Hillary piled on, as expected.  Today, Obama cried foul, complaining that the media was focusing on his words, in particular, his misstatements.  Obama seems to think we should all drink the coolade, accept his ideas and not question the underlying core beliefs and values that form the basis for those ideas.  And who’s ideas?  Are they Obama’s ideas, based on beliefs and values shared by Americans?  Or, are they ideas shaped by 20 years of association with Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks, and members of the Weather Underground.  How much of his core beliefs are shaped by black liberation theology?  Note that Obama answered on question that he had disowned Jeremiah Wright, then restated that he had disowned Wright’s statements.  Obama also denied that he had ever been in church when Wright make his racist remarks.  As Hillary would say,”that requires suspending belief”.  Twenty years and Obama didn’t hear any of Wright’s numerous racist remarks; twenty years and Michelle Obama didn’t hear any of those remarks; twenty years and neither heard Wright’s remarks repeated by other church members?  Churches are by nature social organizations, and one thing is true of social organizations:  People talk, they hear and they repeat, especially the words of their religious leaders.


Much as Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos think they are getting to the “who is Barack Obama”, they failed to ask the really probing questions, such as:  “How much of black liberation theology do you support?”, “And do you, Obama, believe that black liberation theology values and beliefs represent the values and beliefs of all votes, black, white, and otherwise?”


Obama also needs to be questioned further on how he would direct the US Military as Commander-In-Chief.  His answers Wednesday night showed an almost total lack of understanding of the relationship between the civilian branch of the government and the military. 


As an added note, want to see an example of “liberation theology” run amok?  Look no further than what is happening right now in Paraguay where former Catholic Bishop Fernando Armindo Lugo Mendez is likely the country’s next President.  The Catholic Church has disowned Lugo for his “liberation theology” beliefs.


Obama & Hillary: Trust Is The Key Issue of Their Character

After much review and thought, Political Night Train has distilled the Democratic candidates down to two key issues for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:  Character and Competence.  Of those two issues, none is more important than Character, and under Character, for both Obama and Clinton the main are of focus is “Trust”.  One advantage of this rather long Democratic primary is that it has clearly shown that both Obama and Hillary have different, but major weaknesses when it comes to “Trust”.

For Hillary the trust issue has been along and winding road, going back many years and is due to her ingrained personality traits, those being, a major world class control freak, extreme narcissistic personality disorder, and as Bill Safire said, “a congenital liar”.  The lies have now become pathological.  Hillary just cannot tell the truth.  It all starts with her unwillingness to be truthful to herself, and this is simply a defense mechanism.

The Bosnia lie was not the latest.  Now Hillary tells a story about how her father taught her to shoot a gun.  That now makes her pro-gun rights.  Anyone who believes this latest story has been in deep freeze, or on another planet.  Here are a few more:

Lied about a $100,000 bribe, camouflaged as futures trades, from Tyson Foods Inc. At issue was a $100,000 windfall from cattle futures after a $1,000 investment.


Lied about speculating in Health Care industry futures while overseeing legislative reform of same.


Failed to correct false testimony (i.e., lies) by co-defendant Ira Magaziner in Health Care trial.


Lied about ordering members of the Health Care Task Force to shred documents that were the target of a court probe.


Lied about and obstructed justice by ordering the shredding of Vince Foster’s documents in the Rose Law Firm.


In 1996, Hillary was accused by the Senate Special Whitewater Committee of ordering the removal of potentially damaging files related to Whitewater from Foster’s office on the night of his death and telling aides to lie about their removal. Of course, Hillary denied everything.


Obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document sought under subpoena, in the White House residence.  Then lied about it.


Lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing records.


Lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle Grande land flip con.


Lied about ordering the use of the FBI to discredit Travel Office employees.


Lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of Travel Office Employees (Travelgate). In May 1993, the co-president was accused of having a central hand in firing several long-time employees of the White House Travel Office, the better to give the pricey travel business to her Hollywood pals, Linda Bloodworth Thomason and Harry Thomason. Hillary denied everything and when Whitewater Independent Counsel Robert Ray investigated Travelgate, he concluded that there was substantial evidence that involved Hillary but not enough to warrant an indictment.


A Federal judge orders a trial on July 25, 1994 to determine if Hillary Clinton’s heath care task force illegally operated in secret.

Here then are some of the characteristics of a narcissistic personality disorder, note that Hillary displays all these characteristics:

Remember that a narcissist’s goal is attention. His or her whole life is a game of monopoly for it all. Keep in mind that attention comes in many forms, including regard, love, and respect.



Slander others, or treat them like dirt

Lack of empathy, or play-acting empathy, such as tears-on-demand

It’s all about getting attention

Projecting a image of oneself, even if it means telling lies

Projecting an image of oneself such that others owe the person all their attention without having to ask for it.

Haughty attitude

For Barack Obama, the full picture has not yet developed as it has for Hillary.  However, we do know that there are major trust issues related to Obama’s long term relationship with Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ, and James Meeks.  Obama’s embrace of Black Liberation Theology, as preached by both Wright and Meeks has questioned whether voters should trust what he is saying on the campaign trail, or what he has practiced, through TUCC for the past 20 years. 



Obama & Connections With Jesse Jackson, James Meeks, & the Woods Fund

As Political Night Train predicted earlier, Barack Obama’s equivalent of Bill Clinton’s “bimbo eruptions” just won’t go away.  As the voters learn more and more about Obama’s past dealings, the more he looks like Jesse Jackson with a personality transplant. 

Obama’s past, right at him

By Wesley Pruden

. . . Sen. Obama’s preacher trouble will not go away, and there may be more where that came from. The racist rants of another Chicago preacher with whom the senator has political ties, tenuous so far as we know now, is bubbling on, where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright continues to invoke the damnation of God on America. This second preacher is the Rev. James Meeks, an Illinois state senator and key player in the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s political organization, which strongly backs Mr. Obama. Mr. Meeks inveighs against white mayors as “slave masters” and scorns blacks who disagree with him as “house [servants].” The more we learn about who Sen. Obama hangs out with in Chicago, the less authentic his mantra of “brotherhood” and “unity” sounds. We could get the wrong idea about him.

“As the high-water mark for Barack Obama recedes,” says Charles Lipson, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, “his campaign must now confront several dangerous stumps that were once hidden below the surface [of the water].” Writing on RealClear, he identifies one “stump” from the radical-left past that Mr. Obama has diligently hidden. He served on the board of the Woods Fund, a small radical foundation, with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn late of the Weather Underground, the radical cell that killed cops and tried to plant a bomb in the U.S. Capitol. They’re married to each other now and after a decade on the run turned themselves in and served prison time. They’re unrepentant. In an interview with the New York Times, Prof. Ayers boasted that he had no regrets about setting bombs to kill innocents: “I feel we didn’t do enough.”

When the senator and the unrepentant bomber served together on the Woods Fund board, the Fund awarded $6,000 to Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church “in recognition of Barack Obama’s contributions of Woods Fund as a director.” Later the Obama-Ayers board awarded a generous grant to the Arab-American Action Network. It’s entirely possible that Barack Obama missed the board meetings when such awards were made. He says he missed Jeremiah Wright’s incendiary sermons, too. The man has a gift for avoiding the wrong place at the right time.

Barack Obama’s Problems: Racism & Corruption

Barack Obama will continue to have two distinct and separate problems throughout the remainder of the primary, and if nominated, throughout the general election.  Those are racism and corruption.  Just as Bill Clinton had to deal with numerous “bimbo eruptions”, Obama will have to deal with weekly, if not daily racism and corruption eruptions.  While the media gave Bill Clinton a free pass, and the Right was not organized to fully exploit  Bill’s weaknesses, all that changed with John Kerry.  Swift-boating is already coming from the Hillary camp, and will increase dramatically if Obama is nominated.  Obama had a chance to be the first “post-race” black candidate.  His original campaign was run from the perspective that Obama was running as merely another Democrat, not as a black candidate, like Jessie Jackson.  If Obama had been able to continue to run as a “non-racial” candidate he would have been the true transitional candidate Democrats, Republicans and Independents hoped for.  But along the way, the Clinton’s, following their “win at any cost” strategy, screwed it all up for everyone.  Bill Clinton injected race as an issue, by saying there goes Barack Obama, another black candidate, winning SC, just like Jessie Jackson did.  Obama tried, but was unable to resist the bait.  Then, as if on cue from the Clinton’s, along comes Jeremiah Wright, a true race baiter and bigot.  Obama couldn’t resist the temptation.  He had to address the “race” issue head on.  In making his “race” speech, Obama did what no Clinton could do.  He acknowledged that he is in fact a “race” candidate.  This shows extreme poor judgment and character.  So, given what we now know about Barack Obama, here is a preview of what is likely to happen to Obama between now and November.


Pastor-gate:  Jeremiah Wright won’t go away.  Until Hillary drops out, the Clintons will continue to raise issues about Wright on a weekly basis.  Don’t be surprised if a video shows up of Wright preaching one of his anti-American sermons, and there’s Obama, Michelle and the children, right in the front.  Once Hillary is gone, then the swift-boaters from the Right take over.  There’ll be more and more information about Wright’s rants.  It won’t stop until November.


Black Liberation Theology:  There will continue to be questions about values, beliefs, and judgment.  How will Obama’s even tacit approval of black liberation theology taint his campaign.  Hillary will use it as a wedge issue to pull the Democratic bubba’s and rednecks over to her side.  This is probably the most serious issue Obama faces and the one that most deeply questions his judgment and core values.  How can Americans knowingly vote for someone who embraces a value and belief system that paints the white man as the devil incarnate?


Spiritual Advisor eruptions:  James Meeks has been one of Barack Obama’s primary spiritual advisors, second only to Jeremiah Wright.  Meeks will come under increasing scrutiny and there will be a lot of racially tainted statements linked to him.  Obama will have to explain away Meeks, just as he is doing with Wright.  Meeks anti-gay rants won’t go over very well with the gay and lesbian alliance that has good standing with the Democratic liberal left.  Here’s a sample:


A spring 2007 newsletter from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) named Meeks one of the “10 leading black religious voices in the anti-gay movement”. The newsletter cites him as both “a key member of Chicago’s ‘Gatekeepers’ network, an interracial group of evangelical ministers who strive to erase the division between church and state” and “a stalwart anti-gay activist… [who]… has used his House of Hope mega-church to launch petition drives for the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), a major state-level ‘family values’ pressure group that lauded him last year for leading African Americans in ‘clearly understanding the threat of gay marriage.'”


Probable Corruption Eruptions:  Tony Rezko; Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland law firm; Blagojevich; John Stroger; Todd Stroger; Donna Dunnings; Susan Sher; Alexi Giannoulias.  Just to name a few Obama supporters that are tainted with charges of corruption.  Here’s a sampling:


Obama’s ties to the corrupt Daley machine began when he was dating his wife Michelle and she brought him into the fold. Valerie Jarrett, the deputy chief of staff to Mayor Daley, hired Michelle as her assistant in 1991. Daley made Jarrett the chairman of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development and Michelle worked as her assistant in that Department during 1992-93.


When it came time for Obama’s US Senate campaign, Valerie Jarrett became the campaign finance chairman and worked hand and hand with fellow finance committee members, Rita and Tony Rezko, and his former boss at the law firm, Allison Davis, in fundraising endeavors.


Jarrett is now the CEO of Habitat Co, a real estate development and management firm which manages the housing program for the Chicago Housing Authority, the entity mandated to administer public housing, and she serves as an unpaid advisor to Obama’s Presidential campaign.


Another Obama “Mentor” Eruption

Just as Bill Clinton had all those “bimbo” eruptions, seems Barack Obama is having weekly “Mentor” eruptions.  Developing into a bad news day . . .

Another Obama Mentor Turning Out To Be Inconvenient

Mar 23 2008 12:00AM
Uh oh… Long before Barack Obama launched his campaign for the White House, when he was considering a run for the US Senate in 2003, he paid an intriguing visit to a former Chicago sewers inspector who had risen to become one of the most influential African-American politicians in IllinoisYou have the power to elect a US senator, Obama told Emil Jones, Democratic leader of the Illinois state senate. Jones looked at the ambitious young man smiling before him and asked, teasingly: Do you know anybody I could make a US senator? According to Jones, Obama replied: Me. It was his first, audacious step in a spectacular rise from the murky political backwaters of Springfield, the Illinois capitalThe exchange also sealed an intimate personal and political relationship that is likely to attract intense scrutiny amid the furore over Obamas links to some of Chicago�s most controversial political and religious power brokersObama has often described Jones as a key political mentor whose patronage was crucial to his early success in a state long dominated by near-feudal party political machines. Jones, 71, describes himself as Obama’s godfather and once said: He feels like a son to me.


How Will Obama Explain Away Rev James Meeks?

 Bill Clinton had his bimbo eruptions.  Now Obama seems to have preacher eruptions.  Each week, along comes another close religious advisor who preaches Liberation Theology and racial hatred.  The latest is James Meeks, pastor of Salem Baptist Church.

Illinois State Senator James Meeks has endorsed Barack Obama for president.

Here is how James Meeks and his relationship with Obama were described in a 2004 Men’s News Daily report during Obama’s 2004 US Senate campaign:

Obama’s closest religious advisers — Fr. (Michael) Pfleger, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, and Illinois State Sen. James Meeks, who moonlights as the pastor of Chicago’s Salem Baptist Church – may have quotes from Scripture always handy, but are theologically closer to Karl Marx and black nationalism, than to Christianity.

….. According to State Sen./Rev. James Meeks’ humble, personal church Web page, “Meeks’ practical and charismatic style of instruction motivates the hearer to take action and has resulted in accomplishments of miraculous proportions.” When the good Senator/Reverend is not accomplishing miracles and other feats “never before documented in history,” he serves as the executive vice president of Jesse Jackson Sr.’s National Rainbow-Push Coalition.

Obama Linked To Another Controversial Minister – Rev James Meeks

An Obama Delegate’s Preaching, On Par With Jeremiah WrightSo, the spin goes, Jeremiah Wright may have said some controversial things. So, maybe Obama has described him as “his mentor”, and maybe they’ve had a close relationship for the past twenty-three years. But Wright has left his largely ceremonial post, and it’s not like he has any direct relationship with Obama’s presidential campaign. I mean, it’s not like we’re hearing this from a Democratic elected official. It’s not like we’re hearing this from an Obama delegate to the Democratic convention or something.It’s not like we’re hearing an Obama delegate from Chicago in a church pulpit saying, “We don’t have slave masters, we got mayors! But they are still the same white people who are presiding over systems where black people are not able to be educated. You got some preachers that are house n———! You got some elected officials that are house n———! Rather than them try and break this up, they’re gonna fight you to protect that white man!”Oh, wait, now we are hearing this. What’s fascinating in the video that Confederate Yankee dug up is the state senator, Reverend James Meeks of the South Side Baptist Church, declaring that the N-word is a “term of endearment.” I kid you not.So… apparently Wright’s not a one-time deal, huh? How many other members of Obama’s crew from Chicago sound like this on Sunday mornings?