Obama Needs To Explain His Belief In Black Liberation Theology

Unless you have been living in a cave, most of you know by now that Barack Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright is a 100% devotee to “black libertion theology”.  This fact is supported not only by Wright’s sermons, but by the Trinity Church website.  The core theology of Wright, Trinity Church, and by association Barack Obama is black liberation theology.  As David Limbaugh points out below, Barck Obama needs to address to what extent he embraces black liberation theology and how those beliefs would shape his Presidential administration.  Further, Obama needs to explain why he has raised his children in a church that promotes racism.  How much of Barack Obama’s belief in black liberation theology includes Marxist beliefs?  Hillary, Obama Wreaking Presidential Havoc

By David Limbaugh

Many of us understood from the beginning the unrealism in the promises of this extreme liberal partisan to be a messianic uniter. But little did we know that he attended a church whose pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has distinguished himself through anti-American and racist rants and as a scholar and practitioner of black liberation theology. Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell warned on “Hannity & Colmes” that what we really need to focus on with this Obama/Wright flap, are the tenets of black liberation theology and to what extent Barack Obama embraces them, assuming his pastor and church truly endorse this theology. Blackwell said he is concerned this theology supports partial-birth abortion, pacifism in foreign policy, and economic socialism. He suggested that responsible voters have a duty to inquire whether Obama subscribes to these views. As it turns out, Blackwell’s observations are just the tip of the iceberg concerning this theology. If half of what I’ve read about it is true, it promotes anything but a unifying message. Instead of centering on God and his relationship to man, it appears to be unduly man-centered, race-oriented and more political than theological. Rather than adopting Martin Luther King’s colorblind approach, it stresses — according to Anthony B. Bradley of Covenant Theological Seminary — “an unqualified commitment to the black community as that community seeks to define its existence in the light of God’s liberating work in the world.” The theology, says Bradley, “laid the foundation for many [black pastors] to embrace Marxism and a distorted self-image of perpetual ‘victim.'” Doesn’t America have a right to know whether the leading Democratic presidential contender buys into the reputed theology of the church he has attended for 20 years? If Wright’s Trinity Church doesn’t teach this theology, Obama should have no problem telling us so. But if it does, he has much explaining to do. It won’t suffice for him to dismiss the inquiry with the same casual indifference by which he attempted to trivialize Wright’s disturbing sermons as just a few remarks over 30 years condensed into a 30-second sound bite. Even a tenuous connection to black liberation theology undermines Barack’s self-description as a unifier.



Hillary – Lies, Lies and More Lies

What follows is an excellent article by Carl Bernstein that helps get to Hillary Clinton’s core values, beliefs and character.  Dick Morris also has an excellent article that helps to understand why Bill Safire, in 1996, said Hillary is a “congential liar” and Britt Hume says keeps telling “howlers”.  We have to ask ourselves, given Hillary’s lack of competence (her claim to 35 years of experience is, get this, also a lie), and her flawed character, “What kind of president would she be?”  Would she be a Democratic “Nixon”, seeing conspercies at every turn, would she have to confess, “I am not a crook/liar?”, would she use a secret “plummers group” to break in on her opposition? How did the Democrats allow this to happen this election? Bernstein: Hillary Clinton: Truth or ConsequencesPosted: 10:14 AM ETHillary Clinton has many admirable qualities, but candor and openness and transparency and a commitment to well-established fact have not been notable among them.  The indisputable elements of  her Bosnian adventure affirm (again) the reluctant conclusion I reached in the final chapter of A Woman In Charge, my biography of her published last June:   “Since her Arkansas years [I wrote], Hillary Rodham Clinton has always had a difficult relationship with the truth… [J]udged against the facts, she has often chosen to obfuscate, omit, and avoid.  It is an understatement by now that she has been known to apprehend truths about herself and the events of her life that others do not exactly share. ” [italics added]  As I noted: “Almost always, something holds her back from telling the whole story, as if she doesn’t trust the reader, listener, friend, interviewer, constituent—or perhaps herself—to understand the true significance of events…”The Bosnian episode is a watershed event, because it indelibly brings to mind so many examples of this tendency– from the White House years and, worse, from Hillary Clinton’s take-no-prisoners presidential campaign. Her record as a public person is replete with “misstatements” and elisions and retracted and redacted and revoked assertions…     
When the facts surrounding such characteristic episodes finally get sorted out — usually long after they have been challenged — the  mysteries and contradictions are often dealt with by Hillary Clinton and her apparat in a blizzard of footnotes, addenda, revision, and disingenuous re-explanation: as occurred in regard to the draconian secrecy she imposed on her health-care task force (and its failed efforts in 1993-94); explanations of what could have been dutifully acknowledged, and deserved to be dismissed as a minor conflict of interest — once and for all — in Whitewater; or her recent Michigan-Florida migration from acceptance of the DNC’s refusal to recognize those states’ convention delegations (when it looked like she had the nomination sewn up) to her re-evaluation of  the matter as a grave denial of basic human rights, after she fell impossibly behind in the delegate count.The latest episode — the sniper fire she so vividly remembered and described in chilling detail to buttress her claims of  foreign policy “experience” — like the peace she didn’t bring to Northern Ireland, recalls another famous instance of faulty recollection during a crucial period in her odyssey.On January 15, 1995, she had just published her book, It Takes a Village, intended to herald a redemptive “come back” after the ravages of health care; Whitewater; the Travel Office firings she had ordered (but denied ordering); the disastrous staffing of the White House by the First Lady, not the President — all among   the egregious errors  that had led  to the election of the Newt Gingrich Congress in 1994.On her book tour, she was asked on National Public Radio about the re-emergence of dormant Whitewater questions that week, when the so-called “missing billing records” had been found. Hillary stated with unequivocal certainty that she had consistently made public all the relevant documents related to Whitewater, including “every document we had,” to the editors of the New York Times before the newspaper’s original Whitewater story ran during Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.    Even her closest aides — as in the case of the Bosnian episode18 years later — could not imagine what possessed her to say such a thing.  It was simply not true, as her lawyers and the editors of the Times (like CBS in the latest instance) recognized, leading to huge stories about her latest twisting of the facts. “Oh my God, we didn’t,” said Susan Thomasas, Hillary’s great friend, who was left to explain to the White House lawyers exactly how Hillary’s aides had carefully cherry-picked documents accessed for the Times in the presidential campaign.  The White House was forced — once again — to acknowledge the first lady had been ‘mistaken;” her book tour was overwhelmed by the matter, and Times’ columnist  Bill Safire that month coined the memorable characterization of Hillary Clinton as “a congenital liar.”“Hillary values context; she does see the big picture. Hers, in fact, is not the mind of a conventional politician,”  I wrote in A Woman In Charge. “But when it comes to herself, she sees with something less than candor and lucidity. She sees, like so many others, what she wants to see.”The book concludes with this paragraph:“As Hillary has continued to speak from the protective shell of her own making, and packaged herself for the widest possible consumption, she has misrepresented not just facts but often her essential self.  Great politicians have always been marked by the consistency of their core beliefs, their strength of character in advocacy, and the self-knowledge that informs bold leadership. Almost always, Hillary has stood for good things. Yet there is a disconnect between her convictions and her words and actions. This is where Hillary disappoints. But the jury remains out. She still has time to prove her case, to effectuate those things that make her special, not fear them or camouflage them. We would all be the better for it, because what lies within may have the potential to change the world, if only a little.”The jury — armed with definitive evidence like the CBS tape of  Hillary Clinton’s Bosnian adventure — seems on the verge of returning a negative verdict on her candidacy.   And from Dick Morris, the (partial) list: Hillary simply cannot tell the truth. Here’s her scorecard:Admitted Lies• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)
• Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)
• She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)
• She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn’t cover the market back then.)
Whoppers She Won’t Confess To• She didn’t know about the FALN pardons.
• She didn’t know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.
• Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.
• She didn’t know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.
• She didn’t know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.
• She opposed NAFTA at the time.
• She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.
• She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.
• She played a role in the ’90s economic recovery.
• The billing records showed up on their own.
• She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.
• She was always a Yankees fan.
• She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400-12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).
• She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).
With a record like that, is it any wonder that we suspect her of being less than honest and straightforward? 

Obama’s Pastor, Jeremiah Wright Says Israel Killed Blacks

Here’s another Jeremiah Wright statement, this one directed at Israel.

“I must tell you that Israel was the closest ally to the White Supremacists of South Africa. In fact, South Africa allowed Israel to test its nuclear weapons in the ocean off South Africa. The Israelis were given a blank check; they could test whenever they desired and did not even have to ask permission. Both worked on an ethnic bomb that killed Blacks and Arabs.”

Black Liberation Theology & Marxism & Islam – Is Obama The Nexus?

Political Night Train is reprinting the following article in its entirety

Liberation Theology in Kenya and the U.S. Elections

By David J. Jonsson

This is the sixth of a series of articles on The Clash of Ideologies and Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance

      We are seeing first hand the role Liberation Theology is playing in the Ideological conflicts in Kenya led by Barack Hussein Obama and the opposition leader, Raila Odinga. In spite of Obama’s and to some extent Hillary Clinton’s objections to involvement in the political situations in foreign countries we are see the fingerprints of Obama in his support of Raila Odinga and the implementation of Shariah law in Kenya.

      Similarly, we are seeing within the theme of “The Election of Change” the increasing role of Liberation Theology and Black Liberation Theology espoused by Barak Obama following the teaching of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

      Judaism and Christianity aim to solve the problems of an unjust world, but they reject revolution as a solution since the roots of evil and injustice lies not in economics but in man himself. Consequently, Judaism and Christianity are religions designed to change individuals before it and they can ever hope to succeed in perfecting the world. This is admittedly a considerably slower, hence less romantic process than fomenting revolutions, and many people will find its demands restrictive compared with the personal moral anarchy of revolution making. But Judaism’s and Christianity’s methods are infinitely more effective in achieving its results, for when Marxist revolutionaries attain power they are at least as cruel as their predecessors.” The promise of liberation theology is a grotesque lie. As a cynical perversion of language it ranks with the slogan posted above the portals of Auschwitz by another revolutionary movement: Arbeit Macht Frei – Work frees. The freedom which liberation theology proffers is the oblivion of the crematoria.

      As I commented in my article From the Mosque to the Schoolhouse to the White House of November 9, 2008 on the Global Politician:

      “The West has a worldview based on the analysis and actions influenced by looking through the lenses of politics and economics, whereas the Islamists look at the world through the lens of ideology. It is time for the West to place importance on looking at events happening around the world through the lens of ideologies. In the case of the Muslims, their worldview and subsequent actions are shaped by their vision for world domination, the establishment of Islamic kingdom of God on Earth – the creation of worldwide Caliphate and the End Times.”

The Growth of Dhimmi Doctrine

   The contribution of dhimmi (http://www.dhimmitude.org/) Christian collaborationism to Islam is even more important. It satisfies three objectives: 1) its propaganda shores up the mythology of past and present peaceful Islamic-Christian coexistence and confirms the perfection of Islam, jihad, and Shariah; 2) it promotes the demographic expansion and proselytism of Islamic propaganda in the West; 3) in the theological sphere it eliminates the Jewish Jesus and implants Christianity in the Muslim Jesus, in other words it facilitates the theological Islamization of all Christendom. See: Bat Yeor writing in the National Review on September 18, 2003, Eastern Christians Torn Asunder.

Liberation Theology and Marxism

   In the days when the Superpowers were locked in a Cold War, Latin America seethed with revolution, and millions lived behind an iron curtain, a group of theologians concocted a novel idea within the history of Christianity. They proposed to combine the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of Marx as a way of justifying violent revolution to overthrow the economics of capitalism.  

   Religion will become obsolete, when humanity rejects the supernatural G-d of antiquity for the new dialectical deity, fathered by historical forces, leading its chosen to the land promised by Marx and Lenin. In this secular messianic vision, clearly there is no place for Judaism or Christianity, with its insistence on a G-d above and outside of history and obedience to His dictates, revealed in the Oral and Written Law.

   Liberation theologians agree with Marx’s famous statement: “Hitherto philosophers have explained the world; our task is to change it.” They argue that theologians are not meant to be theoreticians but practitioners engaged in the struggle to bring about society’s transformation. In order to do this liberation theology employs a Marxist-style class analysis, which divides the culture between oppressors and oppressed. This conflictual sociological analysis is meant to identify the injustices and exploitation within the historical situation. Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor. But unlike Marxism, liberation theology turns to the Christian faith as a means for bringing about liberation. Marx failed to see the emotive, symbolic, and sociological force the church could be in the struggle for justice. Liberation theologians claim that they are not departing from the ancient Christian tradition when they use Marxist thought as a tool for social analysis. They do not claim to use Marxism as a philosophical world view or a comprehensive plan for political action. Human liberation may begin with the economic infrastructure, but it does not end there.

      The biblical notion of salvation is equated with the process of liberation from oppression and injustice. Sin is defined in terms of man’s inhumanity to man. Liberation theology for all practical purposes equates loving your neighbor with loving God. The two are not only inseparable but virtually indistinguishable. God is found in our neighbor and salvation is identified with the history of “man becoming.” The history of salvation becomes the salvation of history embracing the entire process of humanization. Biblical history is important insofar as it models and illustrates this quest for justice and human dignity. Israel’s liberation from Egypt in the Exodus and Jesus’ life and death stand out as the prototypes for the contemporary human struggle for liberation. These biblical events signify the spiritual significance of secular struggle for liberation.

      The church and the world can no longer be segregated. The church must allow itself to be inhabited and evangelized by the world. “A theology of the Church in the world should be complemented by a theology of the world in the Church” (Gutierrez). Joining in solidarity with the oppressed against the oppressors is an act of “conversion,” and “evangelization” is announcing God’s participation in the human struggle for justice.

      In an article by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger – Benedict XVI, Liberation Theology written in 1984, he commented.

      “The moral challenge of poverty and oppression presented itself in an ineluctable form at the very moment when Europe and North America had attained a hitherto unknown affluence. This challenge evidently called for new answers which were not to be found in the existing tradition. The changed theological and philosophical situation was a formal invitation to seek the answer in a Christianity which allowed itself to be guided by the models of hope — apparently scientifically grounded — put forward by Marxist philosophies.”

      “[In] the new philosophical climate of the late sixties… the Marxist analysis of history and society was largely accepted as the only “scientific” one. This means that the world must be interpreted in terms of the class struggle and that the only choice is between capitalism and Marxism. It also means that all reality is political and has to justify itself politically. The biblical concept of the ‘poor’ provides a starting point for fusing the Bible’s view of history with Marxist dialectic; it is interpreted by the idea of the proletariat in the Marxist sense and thus justifies Marxism as the legitimate hermeneutics for understanding the Bible.”

Liberation Theology and Nazism

      In the U.S. elections cycle, we are seeing an increase in the influence of religiosity, however simultaneously we are seeing many diverse positions presented. Bruce Walker writing in his November 17, 2007 article on American Thinker, The Nazis and Christianity comments that: “Many atheists presume that the Nazis were a weird variation of Christianity.”

       ”Christianity had declined severely in Germany at the time the Nazis came to power, which is why the Nazis were able to come to power.  In his book, The Dictators, Richard Overy states that in the decades preceding the First World War Germany was becoming increasingly secular, and that after that war, from 1918 to 1931, 2.4 million Evangelical Christians formally renounced their faith as well as almost half a million Catholics.  In Prussia, only 21% of the population took communion and in Hamburg only five percent of the population took communion.  Before Hitler, German religious leaders were publicly condemning the rise of moral relativism and decline of traditional religious values.”

      “Weimar Germany largely had abandoned Christianity and increasingly was embracing hedonism, Marxism and paganism.  There, decline of Christianity in Germany led directly to the rise of Nazism. Professor Henri Lichtenberger in his 1937 book, The Third Reich, describes the religious life of the Weimar Republic as a place in which the large cities were “spiritual cemeteries” with almost no believers at all, except for those who were members of the clergy.  The middle class went through the motions, but lacked all living faith.  The workers, influenced by socialism, were suspicious of the church.  Even in the countryside, preachers had little influence on the people.  In the 1938 book, The War Against God, by Sidney Dark and R.S. Essex, describes pre-Nazi antipathy toward Christianity by noting that churches had lost all their vitality and that their services were lifeless.  Mower, in his 1938 book, Germany Puts the Clock Back, wrote that by 1920, God and Christianity had been in steady decline, a process that had begun in 1860.  Mower talks about a culture not so much casual as vicious about sexuality.  He writes of art sickened into atonal music, about the absence of any sense of sin, about entire graduating classes in high school turning up for birth control devices, and about the commonplace occurrence of abortion.” 

      Within a year of taking power, Hitler was saying: 

      “Christianity was incapable of uniting the Germans, and that only an entirely new world-theory was capable of doing so.” 

      Also within a year of the Nazis taking power, The Twenty-Five Theses of the German Religion, a conscious modeling of the twenty-five points of the Nazi program, was published in Germany. Thesis XV of that Nazi publication states: 

      “The Ethic of the German Religion condemns all belief in inherited sin, as well as the Jewish-Christian teaching of a fallen world.  Such a teaching is not only non-Germanic and non-German, it is immoral and nonreligious.  Whoever preaches this menaces the morality of the people.”

Liberalism and Fascism

      To quote Daniel Pipes in his article from the Jerusalem Post of January 10, 2008: Fascism’s Legacy: Liberalism,Liberal fascism sounds like an oxymoron – or a term for conservatives to insult liberals. Actually, it was coined by a socialist writer, none other than the respected and influential left-winger H.G. Wells, who in 1931 called on fellow progressives to become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.”“

      “Jonah Goldberg points out in his brilliant, profound, and original new book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (Doubleday), First, he offers a “secret history of the American left”“:

  • Woodrow Wilson’s Progressivism featured a “militaristic, fanatically nationalist, imperialist, racist” program, enabled by the exigencies of World War I.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “fascist New Deal” built on and extended Wilson’s government.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society established the modern welfare state, “the ultimate fruition” (so far) of this statist tradition.
  • The youthful New Left revolutionaries of the 1960s brought about “an Americanized updating” of the European Old Right.
  • Hillary Clinton hopes “to insert the state deep into family life,” an essential step of the totalitarian project.

      “To sum up a near-century of history, if the American political system traditionally encouraged the pursuit of happiness, “more and more of us want to stop chasing it and have it delivered.”“ [Economic Parity]

      “Second, Goldberg dissects American liberal programs – racial, economic, and environmental, even the “cult of the organic” – and shows their affinities to those of Mussolini and Hitler.” [Deep Ecology movement]

David J. Jonsson is the author of Clash of Ideologies —The Making of the Christian and Islamic Worlds, Xulon Press 2005. His next book: Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Alliance will we released in spring 2006. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in physics. He worked for major corporations in the United States and Japan and with multilateral agencies that brought him to more that fifteen countries with significant or majority populations who are Muslim. These exposures provided insight into the basic tenants of Islam as a political, economic and religious system. He became proficient in Islamic law (Shariah) through contract negotiation and personal encounter, and presently writes on the subject for the Global Politician. Mr. Jonsson can be reached at: djonsson2000@yahoo.co.uk

Update: Obama’s Pastor – Jeremiah Wright – Too Hot for Houston Baptist Church!

Upcoming Dallas-area appearances by Rev. Wright have now also been canceled. 

Political Night Train recently reported that Senator Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright was scheduled to preach sermons at a Baptist Church in Houston.  It seems that all the stories about Wright’s racist sermons are causing churches to rethink having him anywhere near there members.

Houston Chronicle — Obama’s former pastor won’t be giving sermons in Houston: “Security concerns have prompted the Rev. Jeremiah Wright to cancel his appearance at Houston’s Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church for the first time in two decades. Wright, who until February was minister of Sen. Barack Obama’s church, Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, was scheduled to preach three guest sermons in Houston on Sunday. … Widely publicized recorded excerpts from Wright’s past sermons, in which he quoted a former Iraq ambassador as saying that U.S. actions prompted the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and that the government created HIV to target people of color and harassed blacks through ‘three strike’ laws, prompted Obama to address race issues in a speech last week. Obama termed Wright’s comments ‘divisive,’ but also suggested that the snippets were not representative of the clergyman he has known for more than two decades.” Yesterday, a long-planned appearance by Wright at a Tampa revival was also canceled.

The Long Goodbye, Hillary Clinton Style

Jim Vandehei, an advisor to Hillary Clinton has told Politico that Hillary’s chances of winning the Democratic nomination are only 10 percent.  That’s one chance in ten!  Davidson has a better chance of taking it all in the NCAA.  The likely hood of an Obama bombshell is probably less than one-in-a-hundred.  For months now the Clinton camp has spread rumors that they have dirt on Obama.  Well, if it was Jeremiah Wright, they blew it big time.  Like so many political rumors, and this one sounds too much like a Carville-rumor, this one has, so far, been a bust.  But then, lying is a Hillary character trait, or flaw.

So, how long will Hillary play out her long goodbye?  The body appears nearly dead, but the brain is still thinking, calculating, conniving the next attack.  But like a poor archer who shakes at the critical moment, the Clinton machine can’t put a silver arrow through Obama’s political heart.  Makes one wonder just how well Hillary would respond to one of those 3 am phone calls.  Obama’s rope-a-dope straategy has worked, thus far.  Now while Hillary tries to defend her lies (remember, Bill Safire got it right when he said she is a “congential liar”), Obama is soaking up the sun in the USVI.

Much of Hillary’s character, style and campaign reminds one of Richard Nixon, especially whenhe ran against JFK.  But that’s another story, comparing Hillary to Nixon.  Recall, the Nixon-JFK, make or break moment came during the debate where Nixon looked tired and pale, while JFK, just back from a vacation, looked tanned and rested.  Will Obama look tan and rested next week in PA?

It is unlikely that Hillary will decide on her own to end the campaign.  It simply is not in her character.  Bill to the rescue, you say?  Bill shot his wad (no pun) in SC by injecting racism in the campaign.  His effectiveness is done, mostly to his own decision to inject racism.  Does Bill secretly want Hillary to fail?  Political Night Train believes this is the case.  A successful Hillary Presidency would do much to deminish Bill’s legacy.  This would explain why he’s committed numerous fatal compaign errors.  But more on that in a later article.

If not a self-imposed withdrawal from the campaign, then who will tell Hillary it is time to quit?  Bill Richardson, in his phone call to Hillary to tell her he is supporting Obama came close, but couldn’t make the leap.  Apparently he was taking a tongue lashing from Hillary.  Ted Kennedy can’t do it, as he is now in the Obama camp.  Pelosi is out, as she has taken what amounts to an anti-Hillary stand on the superdelegates.  The former Governor of NYS is out, er, on his way to a trial.  The DNC leadership is out, as they were appointed by the Clintons.  That leaves three likely candidates to do the dirty deed:  Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, or Al Gore.  Bill is unlikely to step up as he does not want to incur the wrath of Hillary, again.  Al Gore invented hating the Clintons, even more than he hates Bush.  That leaves Barack Obama to do the awful task.  Is Barack up to it?  Stepping up to the plate and telling Hillary she needs to quit would prove to all that he’s ready to lead.  What better way to prove his skills than to convince Hillary to get out?  So the question is, Barack, are you man enough to step up to the plate and take one for the team?  Or, willyou prove your real character and avoid the tough play?

Will Hillary Clinton Pull A Tonya Harding?

Democratic Party Official: Clinton Pursuing ‘The Tonya Harding Option’March 25, 2008 3:44 PM


Jennifer Parker

–>ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper

 I just spoke with a Democratic Party official, who asked for anonymity so as to speak candidly, who said we in the media are all missing the point of this Democratic fight.The delegate math is difficult for Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, the official said. But it’s not a question of CAN she achieve it. Of course she can, the official said.The question is — what will Clinton have to do in order to achieve it? What will she have to do to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, in order to eke out her improbable victory? She will have to “break his back,” the official said. She will have to destroy Obama, make Obama completely unacceptable. “Her securing the nomination is certainly possible – but it will require exercising the ‘Tonya Harding option.'” the official said. “Is that really what we Democrats want?” The Tonya Harding Option — the first time I’ve heard it put that way. It implies that Clinton is so set on ensuring that Obama doesn’t get the nomination, not only is she willing to take extra-ruthless steps, but in the end neither she nor Obama win the gold.(In this metaphor, presumably, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., would be Oksana Baiul. Does that make former President Bill Clinton Jeff Gillooly?)



Obama – Basis for His Values & Beliefs, Part 2

The following article by Gerald Furry, Editor of Trumpet.Com is very compelling and provides additional insight into the beliefs and values of Senator Obama.  Much of what Furry writes about Obama’s early life has not been reported on in the media. The Barack Obama Tragedy—It’s Much Bigger Than RaceMarch 24, 2008 | From theTrumpet.com I think most people who listen to Barack Obama believe he is sincere. But sincere people can make serious mistakes. Barack was deserted by his father at the age of 2, when the family lived in Hawaii. It was 1963 when Barack’s father left his wife and son to attend Harvard. His education was more important to him than his family. But it should not have been. It was a sad turn in Barack’s young life. Barack’s mother soon remarried. She and Barack followed her husband, Lolo Soetoro, to Indonesia. But the second marriage also failed. Barack’s mom “always felt that marriage was not particularly essential or important,” according to her close friend Nina Nayar. Marriage and family were “not particularly essential or important” to either of Barack’s biological parents—or to his stepfather. That is the curse of all curses in this world! How much must we suffer before we understand and correct the problem? Here is what Janny Scott wrote in the New York Times, March 14: By 1974, Ms. Soetoro was back in Honolulu, a graduate student and raising Barack and Maya, nine years younger. Barack was on scholarship at a prestigious prep school, Punahou. When Ms. Soetoro decided to return to Indonesia three years later for her field work, Barack chose not to go. Barack’s mom, an anthropologist, decided that she had to return to Indonesia as a part of her work. Barack chose to stay with his white grandparents in Hawaii during his four years of high school. His mom chose her work over Barack. So in essence he was deserted again. Any child would be scarred by such parental treatment. Barack chose to stay in the United States, the most blessed country on Earth. Barack and his wife have received outstanding educational opportunities in the U.S. and prospered extremely well. You have to admire their ambition. But why would they be “like family” to such a “hate America” pastor as Jeremiah Wright? Mr. Obama never had a strong father figure to look up to for any length of time. And his mother had a distorted view of marital and family love. So it was natural for Barack to seek out a strong father figure in Pastor Wright—whom Barack said was “like family.” Here is what Glenn Beck said on his cnn broadcast, March 19: In the talking points page of the Trinity Church’s website, Reverend Wright, in his own words, states that the foundation of his beliefs are in systemized black liberation theology and praises James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology. This is what James Cone, the man who Obama’s senior spiritual adviser looks up to and whose ideas he preaches, states as black liberation theology. Listen carefully and please follow along.

Quote, “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community. Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in black power which is the power of black people to destroy their opinion pressers here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.” This is one of the most anti-God, anti-Bible statements I have ever read! The God of the Bible is not about loving black people and hating white people. Christ died for the sins of all humanity. Any Christian should know that. And all humanity is going to be a part of God’s Family, in God’s time frame. Of course, those people who reject that Family will be excluded forever. The foundational crisis in America and Britain today is broken families. That is because the Bible gospel, or good news, is about the coming Family of God. The human family is the most sacred institution there is to prepare us for that almost unfathomable honor. (Request our free book on The Missing Dimension in Sex. It’s a book every person on Earth should read.) Here is what we need to be deeply concerned about. Roughly 65 percent of blacks are born out of wedlock. (That is true of about 45 percent of Hispanics and 25 percent of whites.) These are tragic fruits. Broken families produce more broken families. Usually these parents were deserted as babies by at least one of their own parents. Add to that all of the broken families we see in our society today—the kind that helps produce the above statistics. Who is going to educate those young people? And what will that education be like? It is a ticking time bomb about ready to explode—especially in American race relations! Barack Obama has shown us that precious young people can be educated by the wrong people—they often are. What these young people need are strong families with a deep love for all humanity. Everything in the Bible revolves around God’s loving Family. That is what the God Family is all about. Over a hundred prophecies in your Bible say we are going to see that God Family ruling in less than a generation. But who believes God in this evil generation? It’s our only hope. And it is more real than all the racial hatred you see in this world. There is no question that America committed a great sin against the black race by breaking up the black family. But at least America also abolished slavery and has shown some repentance. What other nation has ever even come close to doing that? Much of God’s love is expressed in forgiveness. That is at the heart of the biblical message. If we’re not going to obey the Bible, we should at least stop acting like we’re Christians. Remember, a Christian is one who follows Christ. But this whole world is deceived (Revelation 12:9). A great fallen angel is the god of this world—that means this world worships him (2 Corinthians 4:4). We still have a lot to learn today, and sadly it will be through some horrendous suffering. To paraphrase a biblical expression, we have sown the wind and we’re going to reap the whirlwind!



So You Want Universal Healthcare? Obama or Hillary’s Plan?

Both Senator Obama and Hillary Clinton have proposed universal or “single payer” healthcare systems, though there is very little difference between the two approaches.  Both proposals currently contain some provision for private healthcare, but for how long.  Once we are down the road to government run healthcare, how long before a Democratic controlled Congress goes along and passes a true government run system?  Four years?  Eight?  And once in place, it will never be undone.  Political Night Train believes we need more light on how other universal healthcare systems are doing and because of a recent posting by a reader, we will run a series of articles that try to get at what the Canadian system offers, or does not offer it’s citizens.  Here then is the first, and perhaps one of the best articles we’ve seen.  You can read the entire article at http://www.thepost.ohiou.edu/Articles/Opinion/Your%20Turn/2008/02/26/23084/ Your Turn: The real cost of “free healthcare”A letter to the editors Private healthcare does have its problems, but it is hard to argue that it is failing on the whole. With Canada being the main country of comparison for many healthcare arguments, it will be the main focus of comparison for this piece. A widespread myth about healthcare is that Canada’s universal coverage system is superior to the U.S.’s private system in terms of quality of care received. This is a vital dynamic of the healthcare system and claims against quality of care should not be taken lightly. A patient of Canadian healthcare waits 17.7 weeks, on average, for hospital treatment with residents of Saskatchewan waiting an average of 30 weeks. These waiting times are unheard of in America’s private system. In the United States, the occasional story of a death occurring while waiting for an operation, while unfortunate and heart-wrenching, is nothing short of ordinary in countries with socialized medicine. In 1999, Dr. Richard F. Davies, a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, described to the Canadian Institute for Health Information how delays affected Ontario heart patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. In a single year, for this one operation, the doctor reported, “71 Ontario patients died before surgery, 121 were removed from the list permanently because they had become medically unfit for surgery,” and “44 left the province to have the surgery, many having gone to the United States for the operation.” In short, 192 people either died or became too sick to have surgery before even getting a chance to be operated on. You say you want universal healthcare, like that being proposed by Senator Obama or Hillary?  You say the Canadians have universal healthcare and that it’s a great system?  Let’s read what the Canadians have to say.  The following article is an excellent example of how the elderly are treated at Canadian hospitals.  Still want to send your mama or grandpa to a universal healthcare hospital?

Almost euthanasia

 By Klaus Rohrich  Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Next time you feel like bragging about how great the Canadian healthcare system is you may want to consider what’s routinely done to elderly patients in some of our hospitals.  Recently an elderly woman, let’s call her Mary, had a stroke, which affected the left side of her body, meaning that the stroke occurred in the right lobe of her brain. Mary was admitted to hospital in a fairly timely fashion and was quickly diagnosed by competent medical staff, including a neurologist.  After the diagnosis she was given an intravenous drip (IV) containing blood thinners and other medications designed to ameliorate the affects of the stroke.  She also received a CAT scan, which established that the stroke had caused considerable damage to her brain.  The hospital informed the family that there wasn’t much that could be done for Mary and to prepare for the inevitable, even suggesting the withdrawal of the IV. The family was devastated at the prospect of losing Mary and hesitated in following the hospital’s recommendation, reasoning that withholding medication and nourishment was contrary to their belief in the sanctity of life. Here’s where the story gets interesting.  It took four days for the neurologist to contact the family regarding Mary’s prognosis, and when he finally did contact them he informed them that he had cancelled plans for Mary to have a speech therapist and physiotherapist.  His view of Mary’s prognosis was that the situation was completely hopeless, as a second CAT scan had revealed even more severe damage to the right lobe of Mary’s brain than the first.  “There’s nothing else to be done,” the doctor informed the crestfallen family members. Mary, however, had other plans.  As she lay in her hospital bed for over three weeks, she slowly began to regain her ability to speak and actually managed to move parts of her left side, starting with the toes on her left foot.  Throughout all this time Mary’s family and friends were at the side of her hospital bed caring for her and communicating their love to her.  On numerous occasions Mary was able to speak to relatives in Germany in her native German and related the conversation to family members at the hospital in English.  She also regained the ability to write—all on her own without help of a therapist. As her speech managed to improve, Mary began to express a desire to eat, as for the entire time that she had been hospitalized the hospital had failed to feed her.  When questioned by Mary’s family as to why they hospital refused to give Mary food, the nurses explained that it was a liability issue, as stroke patients were never fed until they had passed a “swallowing test”. Only problem is the person qualified to administer the swallowing test is an itinerant tester that apparently moves from hospital to hospital, covering, it seems, a fairly wide range of territory.  According to the hospital, during the three weeks that Mary had been hospitalized this tester had had only one occasion to visit the hospital to administer said swallowing test, but Mary was sleeping and was therefore not tested. It seems highly implausible that a community of over 20,000 people with an ultra-modern hospital wouldn’t have visits from a qualified professional tasked with testing stroke victims more frequently than once every three or four weeks.  Much more plausible is the doctor’s view that Mary’s life isn’t worth saving, given the results of the CAT scan, regardless of Mary’s remarkable progress. What happened to Mary under the Canadian government healthcare monopoly is frightening, albeit not unusual, as many other people have related similar stories.  What happened to Mary would under any other circumstances be described as an attempt at euthanasia.  But here in Canada they call it healthcare.


Last month, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) released a new study showing that last year patients waiting for health care services in just four clinical areas cost Canada’s economy $14.8-billion in lost productivity and health expenses. It is clear that health care rationing and maintaining inappropriate wait times for medical care represent poor public policy. A study released last month by the European-based Health Consumer Powerhouse, comparing Canada’s health system to 29 European countries, ranked us 23rd overall, and last in terms of value for money spent. We can and should do better.


Wait lists for medically necessary health care are Canada’s shame, says writer Nadeem Esmail.  Canadians are generally proud of their universal access health insurance program, which ostensibly provides access to care regardless of ability to pay.  However, as Beverly McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Canadian Supreme Court, says, access to a waiting list is not access to health care. An examination of Canada’s lengthy wait lists can help put that statement in perspective, says Esmail:

  • In 2007, wait times for access to health care in Canada reached a new historic high: 18.3 weeks averaged across 12 medical specialties.
  • Canadians waited a median of 25 weeks for cataract surgery from the time their general practitioner referred them to a specialist to the time they received treatment.

More alarmingly:

  • Canadians waited a median of 42 weeks for joint replacement.
  • This means that those patients who were referred by the their general practitioner for a hip or knee replacement surgery on January 2, only half would have received their treatment by October 23 while half would still be waiting for care.

Consider the personal costs a wait line of that magnitude entails:

  • A patient may experience an adverse event while waiting.
  • The wait could cause a potentially more difficult surgery and recovery.
  • Any wait time entails some amount of pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost leisure, lost productivity at work, and strained personal relationships.

How concerned is the government about the personal costs associated with these lengthy wait times?  According to Esmail, not much.  Their main goal is to avoid serious negative health consequences rather than minimize waiting and, thus, personal costs all together.Source:  Nadeem Esmail, “Why are Canadians Still Waiting for Healthcare?” Fraser Institute, February, 2008.



The architect of Quebec’s now-overburdened public health care system is proposing a strong and controversial remedy that includes further privatization and user fees of up to C$100 (about U.S. $98) for people to see their family doctor.In a 338-page report, former provincial Liberal health minister Claude Castonguay concluded that Quebec can no longer sustain the annual growth in health care costs.  The province currently spends about C$24 billion (about U.S. $23.6 billion) annually on health care, or about 40 per cent of its budget.Other recommendations include:

  • A new tax, including a “health care deductible” based on income and the number of visits made to a doctor’s office or hospital in a calendar year. Low-income families and children would be exempt.
  • Encouraging private-sector involvement in the management of hospitals and medical clinics.
  • Lifting a ban that prevents doctors from practicing both in the public system and privately.
  • Raising the provincial sales tax by up to one percentage point.

In the report, provocatively titled “Getting Our Money’s Worth,” the working group headed by Castonguay also recommends an overhaul of the Canada Health Act, which “sooner or later must be adapted to today’s realities.”“If nothing is done, at one point we will reach a crisis point … this is why we say it is urgent to act,” Castonguay said.  “There’s no miracle solution, there is no simple solution.”Source: Sean Gordon, “More private health care urged: Report for Quebec government proposes fees, health act changes to help overburdened system,” Toronto Star, February 20, 2008.



More On Obama’s Liberation Theology Values and Beliefs

The following article at RepublicanAmerican http://www.rep-am.com provides great insight into how black liberation theology shaped Senator Obama’s values and beliefs.

Obama’s church espouses controversial doctrines

WASHINGTON — Jesus is black. Merging Marxism with Christian Gospel may show the way to a better tomorrow. The white church in America is the Antichrist because it supported slavery and segregation.Those are some of the more provocative doctrines that animate the theology at the core of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Barack Obama’s church. 

Read the full article at http://www.rep-am.com/news/elections/326205.txt#blogcomments

Another Obama “Mentor” Eruption

Just as Bill Clinton had all those “bimbo” eruptions, seems Barack Obama is having weekly “Mentor” eruptions.  Developing into a bad news day . . .

Another Obama Mentor Turning Out To Be Inconvenient

Mar 23 2008 12:00AM
Uh oh… Long before Barack Obama launched his campaign for the White House, when he was considering a run for the US Senate in 2003, he paid an intriguing visit to a former Chicago sewers inspector who had risen to become one of the most influential African-American politicians in IllinoisYou have the power to elect a US senator, Obama told Emil Jones, Democratic leader of the Illinois state senate. Jones looked at the ambitious young man smiling before him and asked, teasingly: Do you know anybody I could make a US senator? According to Jones, Obama replied: Me. It was his first, audacious step in a spectacular rise from the murky political backwaters of Springfield, the Illinois capitalThe exchange also sealed an intimate personal and political relationship that is likely to attract intense scrutiny amid the furore over Obamas links to some of Chicago�s most controversial political and religious power brokersObama has often described Jones as a key political mentor whose patronage was crucial to his early success in a state long dominated by near-feudal party political machines. Jones, 71, describes himself as Obama’s godfather and once said: He feels like a son to me.



Barack Obama and Black Liberation Theology

Obama vs. Black Liberation Theology: no ‘unite’

Grant Swank
March 21, 2008

Since Barack Obama has exposed that Black Liberation Theology pits whites against blacks, he’s undercut the egocentric Black Lib strutters.

People like Jeremiah Wright have made money and pew numbers in frightening American blacks that whites are killing them off, per AIDS injections for instance.

Wrights of the movement have said that the “white value system” is the enemy. Therefore, whites are out to get the blacks.

Obama sat through tirade after tirade on that demonic doctrine. Now it’s out of the bag. But the Black Lib pushers are still going to want to keep their power clutch before the blacks before them.

Therefore, Black Libbers have split from Obama, the “Unite” messenger.

By the way, you don’t hear the repeated “Change” and “Unite” cry from Obama. Why? Because he’s blurred himself. The public is not sure of his profile. Who is he? What change would he bring about having been surrounded by so many “haters”?

Would whites be left out as Obama united blacks?

Would Black Libbers be left out as Obama clutches to his black self white groupies?

Obama himself displays a weak personality awareness. Dick Morris stated on TV news programs that Obama is not strong in making sound judgments. He sat through two decades of demonic theology and said nothing, per Morris.

Therefore, Morris concludes that he would not be quick to make crucial judgments if in the White House. He’s just not got it.

So who is Obama’s public anyway?

Black Libbers have been undercut by his call for “Unite.”

Whites have been informed that Obama is a part of a hate-white subculture.

There are actually some logical blacks who don’t buy into the anti-“white value system” and therefore don’t agree with Black Libbers.

Evangelicals have nothing to do with leftist Obama.

Moralist Catholics likewise have nothing to do with pro-choice Obama.

But for sure Obama has cut with Black Libbers who are making their dough and conceit levels pop with this divisive, unbiblical, screaming dogma like unto a cult.

Joseph Grant Swank, Jr., is a pastor at New Hope Church in Windham, Maine, and is the author of five books and thousands of articles that have appeared in various Protestant and Catholic publications. He currently writes a column for RenewAmerica.us, MichNews.com, Magic-City-News.com, AmericanDaily.com, NewsByUs.com, The Conservative Crusader.com, PostChronicle.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Republican and Proud.com, FaithFreedom.org, Conservative Posts.us, ArriveNet.com, MosqueWatch.blogspot.com, EzineArticles.com, Chalcedon Report, and others.

He has been married for 46 years and has three adult children. He has BA and MDiv degrees, with graduate work at Harvard Divinity School.

Grant maintains a website at http://truthinconviction.us/weblog.php You can e-mail him at grantswank@roadrunner.com   

Larry Elder On Barack Obama’s “Race” Speech – A Must Read Article

Political Night Train believes the following article by Larry Elder is a must read on the basis of Barack Obama’s values and beliefs. 

Obama: From Valiant to Victicrat Larry ElderThu Mar 20, 3:00 AM ET Billed as an “important speech about race,” presidential candidate Barack Obama condemned some of the remarks of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. But Obama refused to denounce the man himself, considering him family. Commentators gushed over this “groundbreaking,” “stirring” speech about the “state of race relations in America.” Funny, some people actually thought that Obama might explain why he chose and attends a church led by a hateful, anti-Semitic, racist America-condemning pastor, a man whom Obama refers to as his “spiritual advisor.”Long before the blowup over Barack Obama’s pastor, I wrote about this angry, “Afrocentric” church in my new book, “Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card — and Lose.”“Barack Obama,” I wrote, “attends Chicago’s popular Trinity United Church of Christ. He described its minister, Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., as his ‘spiritual mentor.’ On its Web site, Trinity United Church of Christ describes itself: ‘We are an African people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. … It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.’“Consider the grief President George W. Bush attracted when he gave a speech at Bob Jones University, an institution that formerly banned interracial dating. Imagine a Republican attending a church that professed ‘Caucasian-centric’ Bible readings. According to an article in Rolling Stone, Reverend Wright said, ‘Racism is how this country was founded and this country is still run! … We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional KILLERS. … We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. … We conducted radiation experiments on our own people. … We care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means! And. And. And! GAWD! Has GOT! To be SICK! OF THIS SHIT!’“Jeremiah Wright also helped to organize the Million Man March, spearheaded by the anti-Semitic, homophobic, anti-Catholic Minister Louis Farrakhan. Wright also, accompanied by Farrakhan, visited Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya. In an interview about whether this kind of activity might hurt Obama’s prospects, Wright said, ‘When his enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli (to visit Qaddafi) with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.’“At the first Sunday service following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Wright preached that the attacks were a consequence of violent U.S. policies. And four years later, Wright wrote that the 9/11 attacks were proof that ‘people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just disappeared as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.'”Wright’s musings — part David Duke, part Louis Farrakhan and part Moe from the Three Stooges — include the following:— “We started the AIDS virus. … We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. …”— “God damn America … for killing innocent people. God damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme.”— “We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki. And we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.”— “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”— “Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. Hillary would never know that. Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a nonperson.”Obama gave a soaring speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, in which he said, “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America. There is the United States of America. … We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”Once upon a time, Obama actually told “60 Minutes'” Steve Kroft, “I think if I don’t win this race, it will be because of other factors. It’s gonna be because I have not shown to the American people a vision for where the country needs to go that they can embrace.”Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted.Larry Elder is a syndicated radio talk show host and best-selling author. His latest book, “Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card — and Lose,” is available now. To find out more about Larry Elder, visit his Web page at http://www.LarryElder.com. To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at http://www.creators.com.

Barack Obama – His Core Values & Beliefs, Part 2

There is no denying that Senator Obama gave a very good ‘race’ speech with what Political Night Train calls “surface validity”, that is, it looks good on the surface, its when you dig into the core that you find problems.  Political Night Train is now questioning the basis of Obama’s core values and beliefs and whether they are the values and beliefs we want in a President.  Certainly Senator Obama has plenty of “surface validity” to be President, but does he have the inner values and beliefs we want in a President.  Americans do not deserve another President aka Bill Clinton, with an outer persona that looks good to many people (he was bubba to some, a black man to others), but with an inner core that no one knows.  Apparently Bill Clinton had no inner core of moral values, at least none that we would want to pass on to our children.  One wonders then, what core values are Barack and Michelle Obama passing on to their children?  Are they the beliefs and values you would pass on to your children?  There are many parents in this country who were raised in racist households, black and white.  Yet, at some point, as parents, they made the break, and overtly decided that they would not raise their own children in a hate filled, racist family, and church environment.  This is truly where racism begins to die off, and you can see the effects with the twenty-something’s that are now saying “race does not matter”.  Yet, Obama is not offering them the bridge to a racism free society.  No, he’s offering then explanations as to why people like Jeremiah Wright should get a free pass.  Sorry Barack, but I don’t want my children attending Sunday School with your children, because you’ve passed on the wrong set of values and beliefs. Gil Troy is right when he asserts in his article,(my bold) Here, then, remains the Obama campaign’s great mystery. Many Americans want to believe, to trust that he is what he purports to be, that his gift for words will translate into a genius for governance. But the questions cropping up are not simply about his inexperience but his inaction. He never confronted Jeremiah Wright. He sat silently by as the United Church of Christ to which he belongs passed a resolution advocating divestment from Israel.

Obama’s political rise has been launched on the wings of Americans’ hopes that the healers will defeat the haters. His political progress would be more sure if he could point to actions backing up this rhetoric, to moments when he confronted demagogues and healed rifts. Barack Obama is not too young to have had the opportunity to prove whether he stands by his statements. Americans have the right to ask what he has done when facing the world’s Jeremiah Wrights and Louis Farrakhans. Obama’s worst, and best, moments
By Gil Troy   March 22, 2008

On Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama’s speech on race in America tried to quell the controversy over his America-bashing, race-baiting, Israel-hating pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. For days, video clips of Wright spewing his poison threatened to neutralize Obama’s populist magic. Until Tuesday, the controversy showed Obama at his worst. His response to his pastor’s demagoguery was mealy-mouthed and disingenuous. It was impossible to believe Obama’s Clintonesque claim of ignorance, that he never “sat in the pews” during one of Wright’s wrongheaded riffs. And Obama’s failure over a twenty-year relationship to criticize his mentor’s venom stirred doubts about Obama’s judgment, patriotism, and commitment to the unity he celebrates. Yet once again, Illinois’ rookie Senator hit a grand slam with two strikes against him. Obama’s speech was thoughtful, thought-provoking, rich, complex, effective, poetic, and inspiring. Read the rest of this excellent article at http://web.israelinsider.com/views/12729.htm

Obama and Wright-wing racism

Obama and Wright-wing racismMost of the media and their fellow liberals were positively giddy over Barack Obama’s speech Tuesday, all but comparing it to the Sermon on the Mount. I won’t deny it was a masterful piece of oratory — the man can be spellbinding — but when you stop to consider what Sen. Obama was really doing up there on the podium, invoking the specter of slavery and Jim Crow and the era of “whites only,” it becomes clear that it was a con job designed to make the voters as giddy as he knew his worshippers in the submissive media would be. Read the rest of this great article by Mike Regan, here http://www.baxterbulletin.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080322/OPINION01/803220343/1014/OPINION

Is This Another Bash-America Quote From Jeremiah Wright?

Is the following quote from Barack Obama’s pastor, Rev Jeremiah Wright?

“God didn’t call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war. . . . And we are criminals in that war. We’ve committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world, and I’m going to continue to say it. And we won’t stop it because of our pride and our arrogance as a nation. But God has a way of even putting nations in their place.  And if you don’t stop your reckless course, I’ll rise up and break the backbone of your power.”

No, it wasn’t Jeremiah Wright.  This is what Martin Luther King said about the Vietnam War at his own Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta on Feb. 4, 1968:

Gov Bill Richardson Slams Hillary Clinton

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has endorsed Barack Obama, and is now suffering the fallout from the Clinton campaign.  Before the South Carolina primary Richardson was seen by many as a potential running mate for Hillary.  During every Democratic debate in which Richardson participted, he engaged in world class suck-up to Hillary.  Remember, Richardson was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Energy and Ambassordor to the UN, and has the foreign policy experience needed to offset Hillary’s lack of experience.  But it seems Hillary wouldn’t give Richardson the time of day.  Almost at the same time as Richardson’s endorsement, the Obama campaign began to hammer at Hillary’s character, saying that she lacks the qualities to be President.  In particular, the Obama campaign called into question Hillary’s honesty and how she is misleading the public on her experience.  As Political Night Train has said in the article, “How Obama Wins”, this is the way to beat down Hillary.  Daily attacks on her character will take their toll.  See the Political Night Train article on “How Hillary Wins” for what her strategy should be. 

(CNN) – Bill Richardson criticized a Clinton campaign adviser Friday for suggesting his endorsement of Barack Obama is insignificant.


“I resent the fact that the Clinton people are now saying that my endorsement is too late because I only can help with Texans — with Texas and Hispanics, implying that that’s my only value,” the New Mexico governor told CNN’s John King.


“That’s typical of some of his (Clinton’s) advisers that kind of turned me off.”

 Earlier Friday, Clinton campaign senior strategist Mark Penn said he thought Richardson’s endorsement came too late to make an impact.


Obama – Basis for His Values & Beliefs

Larry Elder writes an interesting article, “Obama: From Valiant to Victicrat”

Larry comments, ” Funny, some people actually thought that Obama might explain why he chose and attends a church led by a hateful, anti-Semitic, racist America-condemning pastor, a man whom Obama refers to as his “spiritual advisor.”

 Another good read is Larry Elder’s book, “Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card — and Lose.”

 And more from the article,

“Jeremiah Wright also helped to organize the Million Man March, spearheaded by the anti-Semitic, homophobic, anti-Catholic Minister Louis Farrakhan. Wright also, accompanied by Farrakhan, visited Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya. In an interview about whether this kind of activity might hurt Obama’s prospects, Wright said, ‘When his enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli (to visit Qaddafi) with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.’Larry characterizes Wright’s rantings as, “part David Duke, part Louis Farrakhan and part Moe from the Three Stooges “

visit his Web page at http://www.LarryElder.com

Obama – All Talk, No Action

There is no denying that Senator Obama gave a very good ‘race’ speech with what Political Night Train calls “surface validity”, that is, it looks good on the surface, its when you dig into the core that you find problems.  Political Night Train is now questioning the basis of Obama’s core values and beliefs and whether they are the values and beliefs we want in a President.  Certainly Senator Obama has plenty of “surface validity” to be President, but does he have the inner values and beliefs we want in a President.  Americans do not deserve another President aka Bill Clinton, with an outer persona that looks good to many people (he was bubba to some, a black man to others), but with an inner core that no one knows.  Apparently Bill Clinton had no inner core of moral values, at least none that we would want to pass on to our children.  One wonders then, what core values are Barack and Michelle Obama passing on to their children?  Are they the beliefs and values you would pass on to your children?  There are many parents in this country who were raised in racist households, black and white.  Yet, at some point, as parents, they made the break, and overtly decided that they would not raise their own children in a hate filled, racist family, and church environment.  This is truly where racism begins to die off, and you can see the effects with the twenty-something’s that are now saying “race does not matter”.  Yet, Obama is not offering them the bridge to a racism free society.  No, he’s offering then explanations as to why people like Jeremiah Wright should get a free pass.  Sorry Barack, but I don’t want my children attending Sunday School with your children, because you’ve passed on the wrong set of values and beliefs. Gil Troy is right when he asserts in his article,(my bold) Here, then, remains the Obama campaign’s great mystery. Many Americans want to believe, to trust that he is what he purports to be, that his gift for words will translate into a genius for governance. But the questions cropping up are not simply about his inexperience but his inaction. He never confronted Jeremiah Wright. He sat silently by as the United Church of Christ to which he belongs passed a resolution advocating divestment from Israel.

Obama’s political rise has been launched on the wings of Americans’ hopes that the healers will defeat the haters. His political progress would be more sure if he could point to actions backing up this rhetoric, to moments when he confronted demagogues and healed rifts. Barack Obama is not too young to have had the opportunity to prove whether he stands by his statements. Americans have the right to ask what he has done when facing the world’s Jeremiah Wrights and Louis Farrakhans. Obama’s worst, and best, moments
By Gil Troy   March 22, 2008

On Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama’s speech on race in America tried to quell the controversy over his America-bashing, race-baiting, Israel-hating pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. For days, video clips of Wright spewing his poison threatened to neutralize Obama’s populist magic. Until Tuesday, the controversy showed Obama at his worst. His response to his pastor’s demagoguery was mealy-mouthed and disingenuous. It was impossible to believe Obama’s Clintonesque claim of ignorance, that he never “sat in the pews” during one of Wright’s wrongheaded riffs. And Obama’s failure over a twenty-year relationship to criticize his mentor’s venom stirred doubts about Obama’s judgment, patriotism, and commitment to the unity he celebrates. Yet once again, Illinois’ rookie Senator hit a grand slam with two strikes against him. Obama’s speech was thoughtful, thought-provoking, rich, complex, effective, poetic, and inspiring. Read the rest of this excellent article at http://web.israelinsider.com/views/12729.htm

Jeremiah Wright To Preach At Houston’s Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

Obama’s former pastor will preach a series of sermons at Houston’s Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church.  What are the chances the church will record those sermons?

Here is what Wheeler Ave Baptist Church says is their mission.  Note that social action and civic justice are part of the mission.

 We therefore believe that God requires of us a total stewardship of our personal selves, our time, our gifts, and our treasure; our families and any friends we may influence to join us in His holy work; and that He expects that total stewardship to call us to personal piety and to social action. We believe that He wants to use us in sanctuary and in market-place, to preach conversion and civic justice, as church members and as professionals or students or homemakers, as total servants bringing a total message to the total human condition. We believe that we are privileged to be partners with God in the redeeming of the damaged human race and the bruised universe.