Flap Jack of the Day Award Goes To: NY’s Gov. Spitzer

Flap Jack of the Day Award Goes To: Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi has flipped on her earlier position on the superdelegates.  Earlier Pelosi’s position was the superdelegates should vote with the popular vote.  Now Peolosi says the superdelegates should vote their conscience.

This from Salon???? Queen Hillary’s Disruptive Court

This from Salon, that most liberal of publications????

The press corps finally wakes up to her waffling and evasions. “

By Camille Paglia


Democrats Remain Stalled On Iraq Debate

 Score: Harry Reid Is 0 for 40!!

Democrats remain stalled on Iraq debate

By: Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris
Nov 13, 2007 06:07 AM EST

“As the congressional session lurches toward a close, Democrats are confronting some demoralizing arithmetic on Iraq.”  They are Zero for 40, a firing offense in the Majors.  The Yankees let Joe go, and he had a better record.


This from the folks that want you to put them in power next year.