First Reactions To Oprah In Iowa

Was it me or was Oprah yelling?


She (Oprah) should stick to daytime gab fests instead of stumping for candidates — she is not good at it.


Her (Oprah) speech was not as good as the expectations that the campaign had built up.


I was left a little disappointed.


It also seemed that everyone in the audience was more interested in hearing Oprah and not Michelle or Obama.


What a flop! Obama’s speech afterward was so disjointed that I hope people did not watch.


For all the hype, I was not impressed. I hope they retool Oprah’s speech or scrap her appearances altogether.

 Are we so culturally degenerate that we need a talk show hostess (Oprah) to tell us who’s best qualified to run this once-great country? ” I am so tired of Politics.” Why then is she (Oprah) involved up to her eyeballs in it?  Good speeches by Michelle Obama, Oprah and Barack himself. As Michelle Obama’s been telling people on the campaign trail, “the game of politics is to make you afraid so you don’t think… We’re asking you, please *don’t* base you votes this time on fear. Base it on hope.”  

2 Responses

  1. I think you was watching the wrong speech…if you read the media accounts and the accounts of folks who went there it shows it was a major success…

  2. Political Night Train posted only direct quotes from persons who had attended the Oprah-Obama bash. Story now is wait until South Carolina.

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