On Hillary, Bill Clinton, Larry Flynt and Impeachment

Joseph A. Palermo provides the following interesting blog post regarding Bill Clinton’s Impeachment, one of only two to ever occur to a US President.  Democrats are forgetful when it comes to Bill Clinton’s impeachment, and Republicans are reluctant to mention it.  The question voters need to be asking themselves is, “Do you really want Bill Clinton back in the White House?”  Now I know many Democrats, especially the Bill-lovers can think of nothing finer.  Some how they believe things were better, and will be better again, with Bill standing in the wings to advise and lead Hillary.  Sort of like a Democratic Chaney.  But ask yourself this, “Will Hillary tolerate being upstaged by Bill?”  Once in the White House will Hillary even allow Bill to be present?  Right now we are getting a good look at what a Hillary administration would be like.  She will be surrounded by the likes of Ann Lewis, Mark Penn, and others directly involved in her campaign.  At the same time, Bill has his own staff of advisers and shills, but they are not part of Hillary’s campaign, they in fact are the outsiders, looking in.  And the fact is, the Hillary staffers loath the Bill staffers.  What does Bill have to loose?  He’s been impeached, but now he can’t be removed from office.  He says anything he wishes, even things that Hillary’s staff have to go back and clean up.  No, I don’t expect Bill will have a role in a Hillary White House.  And Political Night Train also predicts, if Hillary can win the general election, she will be the second Clinton impeached. 

Nine years ago, on December 19, 1998, the House of Representatives impeached President William Jefferson Clinton. On that day, amidst the holiday decorations and office parties, the Republican-dominated House of Representatives, with Tom DeLay leading the charge, voted to approve two out of four Articles of Impeachment that the Judiciary Committee had sent to the House floor. Article I, perjury in the grand jury, passed 228 to 206; Article II, perjury in the Paula Jones deposition failed, 229 to 205; Article III, obstruction of justice, passed 221 to 212; and Article IV, abuse of power, lost 285 to 148. All of the articles of impeachment directly related to Clinton’s consensual sexual relationship with a woman who preferred to keep it private, and who had not accused him of sexual harassment.